Book Review: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Me Before YouMe Before You by Jojo Moyes

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, so I had already seen the movie and I knew I would like the book too. Not because I am a sucker for sappy romances and tearjerkers but because it did make me feel good in the end. Yes, it did. And I am so glad that I read it because there are quite a few things (mainly about Lou’s character) that were not part of the movie (No complaints; the movie did wonderfully as it was), that give you a little more insight into the characters’ psyche.

Lots of Indian readers might argue that the plot resembles that of the Bollywood movie ‘Guzarish’. Cool, whatever rows your boat.

I read reviews where people took offence at the fact that the book’s final message is that life with disability is not worth living. Again, that’s ridiculous, but cool. To each their own interpretation of the message.

What worked for me was that the moment I picked up the book (or walked into the movie theatre) I stopped being a judgemental asshole. Because this book is not an ethics debate about the Right to Life or mercy killing or people with disabilities.

I thought the writing was good. I found the POV shifting a little weird at first. It was completely out of nowhere. But then again, if we were doing this, I would have liked to read Will’s POV too.

Some might think Lou’s transformation unjustified or unconvincing. Like it was all because a guy who she fell in love with told her some things about her that she never fathomed. I’d like to think that it is possible to change because of a person or a life event. To discover a side of you that you never knew you had. I know I have.

All in all, it was a good, light read. Just like at the end of the movie, I could feel my eyes tearing up and I managed to hold back the flood. Not too much Nicholas Sparks, thank god.

I knew I wanted to read it once I watched the movie. When I tried to order it on Amazon the next day, I found out that the movie tie-in edition was going to come out in a couple of days. I am glad to have ordered it because Sam Claflin’s perfect face is a gorgeous addition to my bookshelf (Khaleesi and a Hunger Games victor doth a glorious couple make!).

Have you read the book or watched the movie? I would love to know what you think!

6 thoughts on “Book Review: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

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  1. I haven’t seen the movie as yet (thanks to whoever decided not to release it in my place) but I’ve read the book and had similar opinions. The book is always the way to go if one needs better insight on a character.
    The POV shifting felt a little off for me in the beginning, as well but it at least gave us thoughts of everyone involved. (Totally loved that idea.)
    Great post and a nice way of breaking it down. :’)


    1. Thanks! I am new to this whole book review thingy because if you ask me, every book has an audience and I don’t think I can ever severely criticise a book! I wouldn’t know how to be objective about it at all! 😛
      So I am glad for the encouraging words!


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