How to Deal With Game of Thrones S07 Frenzy in the Most GoT Way Possible

In my timezone (India = GMT+5), it’s already Sunday, July 16th.

You know what this means, right?

*screams and starts humming*

For someone who has devoured both the show and the books, and cursed George RR Martin for his excruciatingly slow completion of Winds of Winter (the next book in the series), a new season of HBO’s Game of Thrones (GoT) is like manna from heaven.

TBH, GoT fans don’t have it easy. We’re waiting for the new book, dealing with character deaths and book-show discrepancies, and hoping for Jon Snow to finally KNOW something FFS.

But amidst all this chaos, it’s the wise words of characters like Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger (personal favourite) that keep us fans going strong.


So here are some kickass dialogues from GoT that you, as a fan, can sprout when dealing with the Season 7 frenzy.

1) On the eve of the new season, when sleep eludes you, and you lie in wait of what’s in store…


2) But you’re so relieved that the wait is over!


3) You’re thinking of all the characters you hope survive the season but then you remember…


4) It’s finally Sunday! And HBO is like…


5) When an over-enthusiastic friend or coworker is on the verge of giving out spoilers…


6) When you’re going to watch the episode but people are trying to get you to do other, less relevant things…


7) You, during 70% of Season 7…


8) Book fans, when the show deviates from the book plot…

9) When you want to discuss every minute detail of the episode but your friend hasn’t seen the episode yet…


10) When someone who hasn’t seen the episode yet is excited to watch it but you know a major character dies…


11) When a non-fan says the show is overrated…


12) And finally, when you have to struggle through the hiatus of another year (or more) for the final season…


15 thoughts on “How to Deal With Game of Thrones S07 Frenzy in the Most GoT Way Possible

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  1. Dear Jin,

    believe me, when I say it, it’s always a treat to read your writings…

    While I have yet to watch this show completely, I have possibly watched every online theory and read crazy fan blogs. So, now I am kinda interested/invested in the show (or is it with the show? — prepositions have always bit me on the posterior) —

    I know, I know, I should watch the show, and even read the books… however, I will use the perennial and clinched excuses ‘time’ and the lack of it (although Prufrock did say “there will be time, there will be time”)…
    but I digress…
    what I really meant is, please keep writing its a pleasure reading your thoughts…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂

      Praise is what sustains us creative folk, as you very well know!

      As for prepositions, ‘in’ is perfect. 😛

      Yes, you really, REALLY, need to watch the show. But more importantly, you need to read the books. I’ve always been in awe of writers who can create these seemingly real fictional worlds. And the only reason I haven’t completely lost my sanity over the delay of the new book in the series is because I cannot begin to fathom what this old man GRRM must be going through, trying to keep all these storylines straight!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m impressed by your dedication to finding such apt dialogue! I’m wondering if there will ever be justice for oberyn, such an angel… I watch comicboolgirl19’s “history of the great houses” when I’m feeling impatient

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hated watching him die, though that scene was iconic and Pedro Pascal is fabulous!
      It’s unfortunate that the rest of the Dorne storyline sucked. I’m debating whether to rewatch all seasons or reread all books now!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah Margaery! More Margaery meant more Olenna Tyrell. And that woman is sass personified! Goals!

        Even I think I’ll probably end up watching the show again 😛


    1. Indeed, Winter is here!

      Trust me when I say this, it was just borrowing a lot from what my friends and I go through when we’re waiting for the new season to drop!

      And memes and gifs have lately become an indulgence of mine. Use them at the drop of a hat!

      Liked by 1 person

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